Wednesday 23 November 2011

Coventry University Third Year- Update

The third year as always seems to be the busiest year of them all, leaving little time to do anything apart from create work, eat and sleep.

The last time i posted, shockingly was March, and now I post in November- having just attended my Graduation Ceremony.

A lot has happened since my Half Year Show disaster and I have been able to learn from my mistakes and develop my work into a different medium of art.
Once I had realised my 'dangerous work' was counter-productive to my overall goal and was only holding me back I chose to take a physical step back, and looked at my work from the Second Year. I craved to work again in the photographic media, to capture a snapshot of a moment that would never occur in the same way again.
I sat down and thought about how I could use the Tubes within the Medium of Photography. So I started photographing them, to try and capture the spark within them that made me so fascinated with them in the first place. This I was able to build upon from the photos I took for the Kick-Start Project at the beginning of the year- which were received positively by the tutors.

So I started building upon this by creating a photographic portfolio, trying to encapsulate everything about the Vacuum Tubes that interest me. I worked with differing backgrounds, working with juxtaposition, contrasting and conflicting scenes to attempt to get an interesting effect within my photography.

(More images can be viewed on my Flickr page: ) 

This work has helped me develop my work to create my final body of work which I displayed for my Degree Show in June.